Declaration of the Constitution
Article One – Opening
1- The Iran Novin Party (henceforth the Party) is established to pursue and attain its objectives based on the vision and ideals expressed in its Mission Statement.
2- The Party’s organizational structure consists of the following components:
- The Congress
- The Central Committee
- The First Secretary and The Executive Committee
Article Two – Membership
3- Membership in the Party is limited to Iranian nationals.
4- To become a member of the Party, applicants must complete a preparatory course, pay the required membership fees, and receive approval from the Central Committee.
5- Every member has the right to attend the Ordinary, and Extraordinary Congressional sessions of the Iran Novin Party, and the right to become a candidate or vote in elections conducted by the referenced Congresses. These rights shall be safeguarded and protected.
6- Members of the Iran Party are barred from membership in any other Iranian Party.
7- Rules related to maintaining membership, disqualification from continued membership, withdrawals from the Party, and responsibilities and activities will be implemented based on the membership bylaws prepared by the Central Committee and approved by Congress.
Article Three – Congress
8- The Congress of the Party is its highest decision-making body, encompassing Ordinary and Extraordinary forms.
9- The Ordinary Congress shall be held annually upon the invitation of the Central Committee, whereas the Extraordinary Congress sessions will be held when deemed necessary by the Party’s Central Committee.
10- The Party may conduct congressional sessions online if required.
11- The invitations for the Central Committee’s Congresses of the Party shall address and specify the meeting agenda, rules of order, and decision-making processes.
12- Invited members to the Ordinary Congresses must notify the Central Committee of their attendance or absence two weeks before the scheduled Congress date.
13- The Party Congress shall have a quorum if more than half its members attend. If the quorum is not made, Congress shall hold its session one month later and will be deemed official regardless of quorum.
14- The primary duties of the Party’s Ordinary Congress are as follows:
- Review amendments and possible modifications to the foundational documents of the Party.
- Assess the financial reports of the Party and make decisions regarding membership fees.
- Review and evaluate the previous period of the Party’s activities.
- Make decisions on future peripheral activities and programming.
- Conduct voting and elections according to previous plans.
- Decision-making regarding the dissolution of the Party.
Article Four – The Central Committee
15- Among the members that receive the highest number of votes in the Party Congress, the first five members shall be considered principal members, and the sixth and seventh members shall serve as substitute members of the Party’s Central Committee.
Subsection 1: The First Secretary and the Deputy First Secretary may attend the Central Committee sessions as advisors.
Subsection 2: Should the number of principal members on the Committee fall below three, the Committee must convene an Extraordinary Congress to conduct an election to fill the vacant seats on the Committee.
16- The duties of the Central Committee are as follows:
- Determining the major policies of the Party.
- Establishing the Party’s position on various issues when necessary.
- Overseeing all of the Party’s activities.
- Examining, reviewing, and ratifying bylaws and regulations.
- Appointing the head of the Committee from amongst the members of the Committee.
- Selection of a treasurer from the membership.
- Implementation of the Party Congress meetings.
Subsection 1: The Central Committee may utilize the opinions and expertise of non-members who are experts in their related fields.
17- The meetings of the Committee shall be deemed to enjoy quorum, and its decisions are compliant with the requirements if at least three members are present.
18- The Committee shall choose one member implementation from its members as the chairperson of the Central Committee to carry out the following functions:
- Choosing an assistant from the Committee members to prepare the agendas and the meeting reports.
- Chairing the meetings or choosing a member to chair the same.
- Informing various party organs of the decisions of the Committee
19- The regulations on voting and administration of Congress and the Central Committee of the Party are prepared in the Central Committee and are approved by Congress.
Article Five – First Secretary and the Executive Committee
20 – The First Secretary of the Party and their Deputy are elected from among the candidates and through direct elections in the party congress for a period of two years.
21- Re-election of the First Secretary to their position is not prohibited.
22- Duties of the Party’s First Secretary:
- Speaking on behalf of the Party
- Forming an Executive Committee consisting of the First Secretary, their Deputy, and the Party’s Secretaries.
- Implementing the decisions of the Central Committee.
- Making decisions in the executive affairs and management of the Party with the assistance of the Executive Committee.
Subsection 1: If necessary, the First Secretary may, with the approval of the central Committee, use the advice and suggestions of experts who are not members of the Party.
23 – The regulations on removing and replacing the First Secretary shall be prepared by the Party’s Central Committee and approved by Congress.
24- The Party’s First Secretary appoints the Secretaries of the following offices:
- Office of Membership Affairs
- Office of Legal Affairs and Arbitration
- Office of Communications, Media, and Publications
- Office of Intelligence and Surveillance
- Office of Political and Diplomatic Relations
- Office of Women’s Affairs
- Office of Youth Affairs
- Office of Strategic Studies
25 – The regulations related to the responsibilities and duties of each secretary are compiled by the Executive Committee and become official after approval by the Central Committee of the Party.
26 – The addition of a new office is accomplished by submitting a proposal from the First Secretary and with the approval of the Party’s Central Committee.
Article Six – Other Matters
27 – Opening a bank account is the duty of the Party’s Treasurer, who is selected by the Central Committee.
28 – Receiving financial aid shall not bind the Party to any commitment.
29 – Any proposed financial assistance of more than five thousand euros from non-member entities, whether organizations or natural persons, is subject to the approval of the Central Committee.
30- Decisions about making changes or amendments in the Mission Statement or Constitution of the Party are possible with the approval of 75 percent of the Party members in an Ordinary or Extraordinary Congress.
31 – In case of approving the dissolution of the Party, Congress shall decide regarding the property of the Party and appoint a committee to deal with the same.
Iran Novin Party
January 08, 2023